With the night’s drawing in and a tangible bite to the autumn air, we thought it was only right that we turned to one of our cosiest models this month: The Windsor. With it’s fibre-filled back offering extreme comfort, the tilt option for catching 40 winks and the handy side table, this stylish chair could not be more perfect for afternoons by the fire. Find out more
Previous Back Angle Recline and ‘Tilt in Space’ – The Differences Explained

The majority of our Recliners chairs have some form of inbuilt movement capability. Two of the most common are the back recline and the ‘tilt in space’ functions. But what’s the difference between the two? And which one is right for which situation?

Next Inside Recliners — Issue 31

Hi and welcome to Inside Recliners. As always, we hope our monthly newsletter finds you well. It’s been another busy month up here at the factory, with a couple of very exciting projects underway. More on these in future editions…