Some of our highlights from the #OTweek The first week of November was OT Week, a chance for those in the profession to share just why the role of OT is such a rewarding one. There were so many great ideas and comments shared - here are five of our favourite posts. Check out the full range by searching #OTweek on Twitter

Why OT?

Lots of OTs shared the reasons they love their job:


A photo competition gave OTs the chance to show off their creative side. OTs were asked to show how they strike a work-life balance.


An inspiring listen with some tips for OTs thinking about private practice Listen here


A full-length post on how and why @geekyOT chose Occupational Therapy as a career. Read it here


A reminder of all the great and varied work OTs do:
Previous Inside Recliners — Issue 55

Hello, and thanks for checking out this month’s newsletter. It’s been another funny old month, with the firebreak lockdown here in Wales serving as a timely reminder that we’ve some way to go before things get back to normal. Roll on 2021…

Next Chair of the Month – The MultiCare Plus

At this time of year we tend to look back and review all the feedback we’ve received on our models. And for the second year running, overwhelmingly one chair has received more rave reviews than any other model: the MultiCare Plus.